We are looking forward to our second time at the awesome Indie Arena Booth. This time at Gamefest in Berlin in the wunderful Kulturbrauerei during 12-14 april.
With Pro Helvetia and Microsoft to GDC 2019 ✈️
We are very happy to announce that we will be present with Unrailed! at the GDC in San Francisco this year with Pro Helvetia and the Microsoft ID@Xbox program.
Unrailed! at Dreamhack Day 3
Unrailed! @DreamhackDE Day 1
Unrailed! at Ludicious 2019
We had a lot of fun at Ludicious this year! Thank you for coming! Here some impressions:
Unrailed! at WEF 2019
Wohoo! Check out the ETH Game Tech Center Booth at the World Economic Forum in Davos showcasing Unrailed !
Unrailed! at grafikSCHWEIZ 18
Here are some photos from our booth at grafikSCHWEIZ 18. [rl_gallery id=”162″] Special thanks for the support of grafikSCHWEIZ, ETH Game Technology Center, Pro Helvetia and Ludicious!
Ludicious Business Accelerator
We are proud to announce that we are part of the Ludicious Business Accelerator Program with Unrailed! So be prepared for an accelerated game development and more updates!
Testing Sessions 🎉
Hi there!
We are planning to do some local test sessions soon!
That is why we are looking for anyone who is interested in testing new and fun features of our game and who is located somewhere in or around Zurich, Switzerland.
Unrailed! Homepage
We just updated our homepage for Unrailed! with more infos and visuals. Have a look at: https://unrailed-game.com